Here at Essex Financial Services Ltd we manage clients’ wealth
within parameters agreed with the clients themselves. In this way
we can ensure that their hard-earned money accrued throughout the
years is not only maintained but grows to provide them with a range
of options suitable for their particular circumstances.
We monitor the investments, meet regularly with our clients and
advise them of possible alterations as frequently as they require
at these ‘review’ meetings. We ensure that each client
is happy with the risks involved and can often provide guaranteed
investments where necessary. We seek to appraise clients of new
products that we think may be suitable for their particular circumstances
and rebalance their portfolios to ensure we stay true to the client’s
investment philosophy. In this way we provide a full, holistic approach
to financial planning with our clients full knowledge and agreement
and can adapt this approach to manage any amount from £10,000
to several million pounds. Please note that rebalancing is only
carried out with the client's prior agreement
We manage clients’ money to provide growth, income or often
a mixture of both. Our methods apply equally well to all types of
investment including Lump Sums, Pension Funds, Regular Savings,
ISAs, Peps, Unit Trusts and so on. Moreover, by ensuring
the client has full information and a major input to the construction
of the investment portfolio we can ensure there are no unforeseen
surprises that upset the overall strategy. The care we take in blending
asset classes across different investment vehicles and tax regimes,
coupled with regular reviews means clients can relax secure in the
knowledge that they know exactly where their investments stand at
a moments notice.